About Life Span
I have no idea how I first thought of writing about going back and forth over the Golden Gate Bridge, but once I understood how deeply that frequent commute has informed my life, memory after memory tumbled in.
About Molly
Who am I? I can’t catch a ball, carry a tune, do my own taxes, or dance the tango. My favorite question is: “Can you keep a secret?” I love it when people around me behave badly. I love it even more when they behave nobly. I scribble notes in locked bathrooms, parked cars, dentists’ waiting rooms. I don’t look where I’m going. I talk to myself, stare at strangers, eavesdrop, blurt, lie, spy, pry, betray and celebrate. I’m a writer.

Praise for Molly
Roll over, Evelyn Waugh, here’s Molly Giles. She’s the authentic satiric voice—a rare bird in American Letters—wicked, affectionate, and amusing.
—Francis Mayes on
Rough Translations
Iron Shoes is fierce, funny, always exhilarating. This is comedy with an edge to it, and grief that sees with clear eye.
—Jean Thompson
Deft and wicked and smart, these short stories achieve a kind of Chekhovian grandeur—a celebration of the hum as wholly flawed and utterly fascinating.
I love this book.
—Daniel Orozco on Bothered
These stories are electric. Wickedly funny, they unfold at a breakneck pace, whisking the reader through surprise, delight, delicious alarm… These are characters, and stories, with sharp edges, soft underbellies, and a glint in their eye.
—Caitlin Horrocks on
All the Wrong Places
Knife-sharp wit,
wild plots, and moving, intense narrators. Giles’ stories are a lot of fun.
—Michael Czyznizjawski on
Wife with a Knife
Epigrammatic and beautifully authentic, LIFE SPAN had me laughing out loud and then sighing at its insights, and I didn’t want it to end.
—Edan Lepucki

The Home for Unwed Husbands
“A delight of a novel. Brilliant. All the characters developed in fascinating and unpredictable ways.”
—Leslie Daniels, author of Cleaning Nabokov's House